In a world left in ruins after a devastating apocalypse, nature has reclaimed the land. Amidst the chaos, a unique ecosystem has emerged, where mushrooms thrive and robotic insects roam free. As Cubert, a brave explorer, you embark on a thrilling journey to survive the secrets of this post-apocalyptic world. Along the way, you'll encounter robotic flies, wasps, and dragonflies, each with their own unique abilities and challenges. Prepare to navigate through this immersive world and unravel its mysteries, one step at a time.

Controlls : WASD / Arrow Keys

Shooting projectiles : Space bar / Left mouse button

Firing laser : Shift

Switch eapons: Scroll wheel or 1, 2, 3 and 4 key

Menu : Tab

If pressed on the quit button and the game isn't working properly, reload the web page.


CubertsCrusade 20 MB

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